Bad Bad News
Bad Bad News
Real Estate Update
First off, my apologies for the one week delay. If you subscribe to my email list on my website, you can get updates about new podcast episodes and blog posts straight to your email. www.rockwellconsultantsllc.com
There has been a lot that has occurred over the last three weeks, but that seems to be the way things are going right now. Everything seems to constantly be changing. Anytime I watch the news it baffles me when I see media outlets trying to spin economic data one way or another. It’s hard to look at everything going on with unbiased eyes, but there is a lot of political pressure to spin it one way or another. It’s my hope that my blog and podcast can help people understand what the data means. I’m not persuaded by any political ideology when I research the data. Though I will admit that I have more of a negative view on the economy, hence the title of my podcast is called Bad Bad News. But I stand by the fact that I think it’s better to over-prepared than to be underprepared. As always, I like starting with hard data, so we’ll look at some economic indicators to let us know how things are going. We’ll then dive into a real estate market update. And finally we’ll end with the European View, where this week we’ll be looking at commercial real estate investments being made in Europe and how it compares to the US.